
Thursday, December 30, 2010

i'm getting tired.

i'm getting tired of this all. this condition it's going to kill me. what a messy life..
i'm a teenager, i need to free. not like this. this condition is made me to breaking all the rules.
oh God. i know you hear me, please make me feel good. make me feel warm in your arms.. i need your warm hug God. please blessing me all the time :'(

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

we love timnas ♡

rabu-29 desember-2010. timnas kebanggan kami para warga negara Indonesia telah menunjukan dan memberikan yang terbaik. walaupun tidak dapat merebut piala AFF karena kalah agregat lawan malaysia, 2-4. tapi mereka tetap menjadi juara dan pemenang dihati kami para pendukung nya.
percuma juara tapi curang. mending cuma menang tapi terhormat. suporter Indonesia yang dikiranya bakalan rusuh gara2 indonesia ga jadi juara, ternyata malah ga ada rusuh atau kericuhan sama sekali. kali ini Indonesia membuktikan, dari timnas nya sampai suporter nya memberikan yang terbaik. ga ada yang perlu di kecewain, malah kita harus bersyukur karena Tuhan telah memberi pemain yang baik. apalah arti nya sebuah trofi? toh kita main nya lebih bagus dan pasti nya lebih sportif. TIMNAS still our best. we love timnas and we love indonesia.

our beloved timnas.
bambang pamungkas! yang selalu menciptakan gol keren dan membuat semangat orang-orang pada naik lagi <3
okto maniani! walaupun badan nya ga terlalu besar tapi semangat nya besar banget. dan lari nya itu cepet banget kaya sonic. <3
ini dia yang paling idola. Irfan Bachdim. wajah nya emang ganteng banget. tapi permainan nya jauh lebih ganteng dari pada wajah nya <3
Christian Gonzales! sang pencipta goal tekeren. gatau kenapa emang dia kalo buat goal itu selalu keren-keren. we love you gonzales <3
kiper favorite dan andalan. Markus Horison! selalu bisa jaga gawang indonesia walaupun beberapa kali kebobolan. tapi dia tetap yang terbaik <3

Firman Utina! kapten kesayangan dan kapten tertangguh sepanjang masa. punya wibawa yang amat sangat luar biasa <3

Timnas never give up, and Timnas never lost. We love you Timnas. you still our best <3

Sunday, December 26, 2010


it's nice to get something you want. but if you want to get something, you must waiting.
people are hate to waiting for something, but they still doing that. me too. but i still confused now, i don't know what i'm waiting for. who's i'm waiting for. it's feel like i'm waiting for nothing. waiting for something will never happened. someone who never be mine. seriously i'm tired of waiting, but i also do that. in e-v-e-r-y-t-i-me. and waiting is the hardest part of my life. everyone's life i think.. who's have life without waiting? no one. but you must know something, when you waiting for something or someone, you don't have to be despair. because God have a plan to you, and God always give the best. whatever that way, you always get the best from God. that's all.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

happy birthday Arthur!

hell-o goblogy! ahaha. looooooooooooooooooooooooooong tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimeeeeeeeee noooooooooooooo poooooooosssssssst. why? i'm sorry because i'm kinda busy :p
well, this is 28th nov 2010 and this day is Arthur bithday! he 19 now! mpus udah tua nih ye wkwkwk.
but everything going as usual before his ex girlf come and give a cake for him at 10pm.
dan paling malu2in nya pas doi dateng gue wafin sm arthur blm ada yang mandi HAHAHAHA. sumpah itu malu2in bgt. youdeh biarin aja lah mau di apain lagi~ abs itu mereka pd jalan2 deh but i'm still home alone as usual. jaga rumah adalah kewajiban saya. fakfakfakfak.
so, once again Happy Birthday my broooooot Arthur, wish you all the best! loveeloveeloveeeee. :*

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

what God gave.

Hell-o bloggyyyyyy. long time no post yea :p well, udah lama banget gue ga ngepost ya, udah ga karuan ini  blog gue hahahaha. i want to share something nih btwwwwwww

well, look at this picture's guys. this is Liu Wei, the winner of china's got talent. this guy is so fuckin awesomeeeee! kalo ngeliat video nya yang main piano pake kaki itu rasa nya campur aduk deh, yang nama nya terharu, kagum, sedih jadi satu semua nya. hmmmmm, dia yang di beri kekurangan engga punya tangan aja bisa sekeren ini, kita harus contoh dia. walaupun Tuhan ga memberikan dia tubuh yang sempurna seperti kita2 ini, dia tetep bisa jadi orang yang sukses, tetep bisa berkarya, tetep jadi kayak orang normal aja gitu bisa ngapa2in walaupun yang bisa dia lakukan terbatas. Dia pernah bilang kayak gini "Saya tidak peduli bila nantinya saya menjadi seorang master, ini hanya hobi saya, saya menikmati bermain dengan jari-jari kaki saya," oh God............ how humble this guy?
intinya gue bener2 salut sama si Liu Wei ini deh, walaupun Tuhan ga menakdirkan dia punya tubuh yang layak nya orang punya tubuh tapi dia tetep bersyukur, dan bisa sampe kayak gini karna ga pernah patah semangat dan selalu optimis juga latihan keras. gue aja yang punya tangan males2an latihan piano nya sedangkan dia yang pake kakiiiiii men kaki!! bisa kayak gini.
well guys, remains grateful for what God gave. apapun yang di berikan Tuhan untuk kita itulah yang terbaik, tetep optimis sekalipun lo punya banyak kekurangan.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

It hurts to breathe because every breath I take proves I can't live without you.
A life with love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no roses.
The greatest pain that comes from love is loving someone you can never have.
Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never knew.
They say that if you love someone you should let them go, but they never say what to do when they don’t come back.
It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

marissa ♥

hell-o bloggy! its 12:34am and i still can't sleep-_-
well, i wanna tell you about my chairmate in 9.1 class of tjs xixixi. her name is marissa arnindya pertiwi.
we're like sister :p
jadi marissa ini sm gue udah kompak bgt pokok nya, dari mulai pelajaran sampe masalah pribadi aja saling membantu wkwk ini nih anak nya: 

jadi pokok nya gitu deh, susah di ungkapkan dengan kata2, yang jelas you're the best mar, be a good chairmate okeee:D big hug from here ♥

Sunday, September 12, 2010

what a bored holiday-_-

hell-o blogy! happy mondaaaaay for all! but this is a bad-monday for me.
i'm annoyed with this fuckin holiday, what a bored day. i have nothing to do to relieve my boredom. gaaaah.
i just want to spent my holiday with my friends, yea just it-_-
but this never become reality ckck. sooooooo, i just can playing with arthur's lapy huhu, can not be anywhere, just stay at home. fuckaaaaah. 

mmmm fortunately amel was here, she spent her holiday in my home, she's 11 years old, and..... she's china girl HAHAHAHA. upssss sorry amel, its just a joke xixixi.

so, this is my boring holiday-_-

Friday, September 10, 2010


"My friends are my estate."
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." 
"A friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be anywhere else."

Friendship needs no words - it is solitude delivered from the anguish of loneliness.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

i will try :D

thanks to filled my life during these two years, actually, I really love you. but reality says another, I'm afraid you're going to give me false hope again, I'm tired of it all.
and now,  I'll try to forget you, and all the memories we've ever spent. wish me luck yea :D

Monday, September 6, 2010

taylor lautner ♥


tanggal 5 september kemaren gue ulang tahun loh!!! horeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
thanks buat yang udah dateng, cindy indy nimas sheila bella bena ipam gaga jason ryan irfan wawan gensta fyan anddddd dino. walaupun acara nya ga gede2 amat tapi yang penting kebersamaan nya yagayaga ahahaha okedeh Happy Birthday to meeee, wish me all the best!

Friday, September 3, 2010

its hard to be like me, when everybody else never understand

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cindy sahabat kecil ♥

 Hell-o bloggy! gue mau ngepost tentang Cindy ah, sahabat gue dari kecil hehe. as you know yaaa, cindy sm gue udah temenan 11 tahun loh! horeeee *tepuktangan banyak bgt kejadian yang ga bakalan bisa di lupain yang udah gue lewatin bareng si cendol ini. dari mulai TK, SD, SMP, sampe skg udah mau SMA. cindy itu sm gue udah kayak gula sm semut. gue gula di semut ahahaha kan aku manis (?) -_-
pengalaman dari waktu kita tk kita pernah kejebak di lift T_T terus kalo jalan sm dia itu ga pernah bisa berenti ketawa, dia tuh pokok nya sahabat terbaik yang pernah ada dalam hidup gue. susah senang duka lara gundah gulana selalu kita lewatin bareng2 ahaha. pokok nya i can't life without you deh cindedoooy emuah emuah big hug from here :*
pokok nya, gue ga bakal pernah terima kalo ada sesuatu yg terjadi sm cindy yang buruk2, gue selalu mau dia ngedapetin kebahagiaan selama nya. cindy seneng, gue pun seneng hehe :p oke deeeeh, sekian ya bloggy. cium dan peluk sayang dari sini buat cindy :* byeee

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

thanks god i found you!

I would give up everything
Before I'd separate myself from you
After so much suffering
I've finally found unvarnished truth
I was all by myself for the longest time
So cold inside
And the hurt from the heart it would not subside
I felt like dying
Until you saved my life 

Thank God I found you
I was lost lost without you
My every wish and every dream
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight
Completed my whole life
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
Cause baby I'm so thankful i found you.
I would give you everything
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
To ensure your happiness
I'll cherish every part of you
Because without you beside me I can't survive
Don't wanna try
If you're keeping me warm each and every night
I'll be all right
Cause I need you in my life
See I was so desolate
Before you came to me
Looking back I guess it shows
That we were destined to shine
After the rain to appreciate
The gift of what we have
And I'd go through it all over again
To be able to feel this way

Thank God I found you
I was lost lost without you
My every wish and every dream
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight
Completed my whole life
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
Cause baby I'm so thankful i found you.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

can i get one mom? ._.

 hell-o bloggah. dari kecil gue pingiiiiin sepingin pingin nya pingin punya anjing, ya walaupun agama gue Islam dimana anjing itu di haramkan, gue tetep mauuu. kan ga kena liur nya, jadi ga haram kaaan?
dulu udah pernah minta ke bokap nyokap tapi di kasih nya malah kelinci. sepasang warna hitam putih tapi baru 2 bulan udah meninggal-,- terus beli lagi kaya gitu sampe 4 kali, tapi pada kabur, ada juga yang meninggal T_T
well, sekarang karna gue udah gede, udah bisa ngerti cara ngurus ini itu segala macem, gue mau punya anjing huhuhu, cuma belum tau di bolehin apa engga sama mama. kata nya mama di sekitar rumah gue udah pada punya anjing, tetangga sebelah gue punya, terus serong kanan nya rumah gue dokter hewan, anjing nya banyaaak banget, tapi serem2 ._.
naaah, karna berhubung gue sebentar lagi mau pindah rumah, jadi gue bilang ke nyokap sm arthur kalo misal nya udah pindah rumah beliin gue anjing mihihihi. tapi mereka iya iya doang gatau beneran apa engga-_-
mau nya yang kaya gini gini nih, satuuuu aja, boleh kan mom?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Break Fasting with 23rd Generation♥ #wenerd

Hell-o!! tanggal 20 agustus kemaren #wenerd  bikin acara buka bersama di kemang, Allhamdulillah hampir semua anggota nya ikut hehe. seneng banget ya Tuhan, ya karna ini tahun terakhir kita jadi mau kita manfa'atin sebaik baik nya. kemarin kita ngumpul di rumah @aulialarasati dulu, abis itu baru konvoi ke kemang lebih tepat nya lagi restoran mie kangkung. ya walaupun ga terlalu sempurna acara nya tapi yang penting semua nya bisa seneng, ngumpul, dan yg paling penting kita semua bisa lebih dekat lagi :D Abis pada buka puasa, kita lanjut muter2 kemang abis itu ke rumah aqsha. ya walaupun ada beberapa hambatan, dari dimas sm omib yang ban motor nya bocor, indy sm windy yang keabisan bensin, nendra farid hafiz cahyo yg udh di suruh pulang, dan lain lain. tapi, semangat kita tetep besar walaupun ada yg ga bisa ikut lagi hehe. setelah konvoi yang super seru dan heboh di kemang, kita kembali ke rumah aulia, itu udah jam 9 dan udah pada mau pulang, tp sampe di rumah aulia masih ngobrol2 dan ngumpul2 dulu, pokok nya thanks banget #wenerd! i love you sooooooooooooo much!

Monday, August 16, 2010

this really a bad day,

helloooo mablogy. hari ini sumpah ancur bgt parah sial nya ga nahan. gara2 gue tidur jam setengah 5 pagi semua nya jadi be-ran-ta-kan.
  • first, i woke up so late. marissa call me at 7:15am and that's what woke me. i woke up and i really shocked. I immediately ran to the bathroom and take a bath in 5 minutes. after preparing i take my motorcycle and i driving as fast as i can. finally i arrived at school at 8am. fortunately the school gates not in closed. i ran as fast as i can and met marissa in end of the field. sumpah itu udah hoki banget gerbang engga di tutup, terus pelajaran pertama itu kan di lab komputer, cuman di lab ada komputer yang meledak jadi nya ga belajar di lab. dan paling beruntung nya lagi gue ga ketawan terlambat :p 
  • second, my guardian class call me to her room. and i'm so panic. after i was in her room, her told me someting.
bu mar: "wilma, kamu ini di buku catatan sudah 4 kali terlambat. dan berturut2. memang kenapa sih kamu selalu terlambat?"
gue: "aduuuuh kan rumah saya jauh bu, macet. kadang saya juga emang suka bangun telat sih bu, tapi macet nya itu loh bu yang buat saya terlambat"
bu mar: "emang berangkat dari rumah jam berapa? mama nya tau ga kalo misal nya kamu sering terlambat?"
gue: "jam setengah 7 bu, bahkan kadang jam setengah 7 kurang. mama saya tau kok bu hehe"
bu mar: "yaudah gini aja, karna ini peraturan sekolah, mama kamu ibu panggil ya. harus ada kerja sama anatara orang tua murid dan guru nya. oke?"
gue: *panikpucet "yaah ibu jangan dong bu, mama saya pasti ga bs. mama saya kan lagi sakit bu"
bu mar: "tapi ini peraturan sekolah wilma, oh iya, kalo misal nya kam satu kali lagi terlambat kamu akan dapat SP 1. makanya jangan terlambat lagi ya. yowes sana masuk kelas.."
gue: *shock,panik,pucet "okedeh bu.. Assalamualaikum selamat pagi"
BUSEEEEEEEEEEEET kurang mantep apa tuh cobaan gue? hhhh bukan cobaan juga sih, soal nya ini kan emang salah gue hehe. nexxxt
  • third, the reason why i must school this day is "there was choir practice"  hari ini tuh latihan terakhir paduan suara buat besok upacara, ya karna gue jadi dirigen, otomatis gue mesti masuk dong ya gaaak. nah yang bikin ga enak nya itu, kan kita latihan nyanyi ya, pasti ngeluarin suara dong? teriak2lah ini itu. dan nyatanya.... gue lagi puasa men. malah belum tidur dari kemaren. coba di bayangkaaaan~  
    finally, now i'm home. really tired with all the incident. and i hope tomorrow will be better than this day. byeee

Sunday, August 15, 2010

what i will doing in my "if" version

hello. sebener nya gue bingung mau posting apa, abis ini udah jam 4 pagi, dan gue bingung juga mau ngapain jadi mending gue posting deh hehe-_-. akhir2 ini gue emg paling males tidur, mau nya ga tidur tapi kan gue bukan vampire kayak edward cullen yang ga tidur ya hhhh. lanjut deh ya.

next, i want to tell you about what i will doing in my "if" version. mmm i know its not important but i just want to talk about it.
in my life, i often thinking about what i will doing "if" i located at different positions.
kadang gue sering mikir gimana kalo misal nya gue lahir di kehidupan yang berbeda, sm orang tua yang berbeda, keluarga yang berbeda. abis gimana ya, dengan kehidupan gue yang sekarang gue juga seneng hehe tapi.... kalo dapet yang lebih baik kenapa engga?
gue terlahir di keluarga besar Drs. H. Soekarno Y. Gunawan Angkawijaya. and i'm so proud about it.
tapi gimana kalo misal nya... gue terlahir di keluarga besar Barack Obama? ahahaha ngigo amaaaat. tapi seru kali ya, kemana mana orang pada kenal, otomatis di hormatin banget gitu gimana ga di hormatin anak nya obama gitu~ hahaha. well, "if Obama my father, i will really proud, i will so glad, and i will show off to people that i is his daughter :p"  ahahaha, this can't be understood-_-
tapi, intinya, gue amat sangat bangga dengan kehidupan gue yang sekarang, punya nyokap yang pengertian, ya walaupun bawel nya berlebihan tapi she is the best. terus punya bokap yang sayang banget bangetan sama gue, punya kaka yang bisa di ajak main walaupun nyebelin nya nauzubilahiminzalik-_- terus punya oma yang care bgt sm gue walaupun gue cucu yang paling sering dia omelin-,- apalagi gue punya temen2 yang paling waaaaaaaaaaah bgt deh, udah baik, care, asik, seru, pokok nya top banget. sooooo, Thanks god, you give me a perfect life, you give me happiness, you give me the best :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

when he was here, i always said  "i want to be his favorite hello and his hardest goodbye"

now, he left me. but i want, and i believe, i will see him when i open my eyes again.

and i always tell him "i will wait for you until i have no more reason to wait anymore"

 cause i belive, some one will tell me "you will have happy ending"

#GLOW Generation of Loyality and ExtraOrdinary Twenthy-Third ♥

#GLOW is like a big family! and i'm proud to be a part of it.
i always spend my time with them in school.i really loveeeeeeeeeee them, so don't take them from me.

but, now
#GLOW lose one person who we really love :( his name is Muhammad Rafli

 Ali is a best friend we ever had, he's like our leader, he's a good man, the man who wisest among us. and we love him so mucccccch♥ and now we miss him :(
but don't worry, we always think that him will be back again, and i hope it will be reality.
well, this is #GLOW. and no one can't take it from me, #GLOW will be everlasting in our life♥